Crich Medical Practice

Crich Medical Practice, Oakwell Drive, Crich, Matlock DE4 5PB

Telephone: 01773 852966

WE'RE CLOSED Please note the phone lines open at 8.30am

South Wingfield Surgery, Inns Lane, South Wingfield, Alfreton DE55 7LW | Telephone: 01773 852966

Holloway Surgery, Mill Lane, Holloway, Matlock DE4 5AQ | Telephone: 01773 852966

Sexual Health

If you visit (this link will open in a new window – popups must be allowed)  you can find information about some common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how they are spread, how to access a test if you think you might be at risk of an STI and where to go for help and treatment if you think you have symptoms.

You will also find information on the different methods of contraception that can be used to prevent pregnancy and help to find out which method might be best for you and where you can access contraception and contraceptive advice in Derbyshire.

Crich Medical Practice

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

South Wingfield Surgery

  • Monday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    03:00pm to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
  • Wednesday
    03:00pm to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
  • Friday
    03:00pm to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

Holloway Surgery

  • Monday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
  • Tuesday
    03:00pm to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
  • Thursday
    03:00pm to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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